P-05-876 Protection of Red & Amber listed species in Wales


This petition was submitted by Chris Evans having collected a total of 173 signatures.


Text of Petition

It has recently come to light that Natural Resources Wales have been issuing licences to allow the killing of species that appear on the RSPB's Red and Amber lists in Wales for sometimes rather spurious reasons such as "protecting cattle feed" and "air safety".


Other methods are available to disperse birds that do not involve killing. All Red listed species are under severe threat of extinction in Wales and thus the level of protection needs to improve to prevent further loss to our natural biodiversity.


The management of Natural Resources Wales have an anthropocentric viewpoint of the natural environment and thus are simply not fit for purpose when it comes to environmental and biodiversity protection.


We, the undersigned, contend that Natural Resources Wales is failing to protect the natural environment and biodiversity in Wales.


We demand that the ability of Natural Resources Wales (or any other body) to issue licences to kill any Red or Amber listed species should be removed with immediate effect and a less anthropocentric viewpoint be taken by management in all issues relating to the environment and biodiversity.


Additional Information


Assembly Constituency and Region

·         Gower

·         South Wales West